Sunday, February 17, 2008

I was tagged...

I was reading Mom's blog and decided to do this tag...

What were you doing ten years ago?
Living in the Pre-existance. Waiting to be born

5 things on my to do list today:
1. Go to school
2. Pass Tiger test
3. Play basketball
4. UV appointment
5. Family Home Evening
3 bad habits:
1. Puting my fingers in my mouth while chewing gum
2. Scratching my scalp
3. Staying outside in the cold

If I were suddenly a billionaire:
I would buy a trampoline because I have always wanted one. Save money for college so I can be a doctor. Give like 5 million of it to orphan charities in Africa.

5 places I have lived:
1. Bakersfield, CA
2. Amarillo, TX
3. Canyon,TX
That's the only places I have lived so far.

5 jobs I have had:
1. take out the trash
2. clean room
3. clean up trash around house
4. clean hamster cage
5. help with Morgan

5 things people don't know about me:
1. I am a complete polar bear, I like to be in the cold
2. I hate all vegetables
3. I love to read
4. I'm a very good speller
5. I can eat two double cheese burgers and a medium fries from McDonald's (Mom never lets me order that much food though)
6. I want to get married in the Los Angeles temple and have 5 kids (if Heavenly Father gives me that many kids)
***If you read this consider yourself TAGGED.


Mom/Linda said...


What a nice blog. It pleases Grandma and me to read about you.

I share your preference for double cheese burgers over vegetables but haven't had anyone excercising much control over my choices. You may want to give vegetables more of a chance.

If Heavenly Father blesses you with five children, I hope they are all as wonderful as you.

Papa and Grandma