Thursday, April 24, 2008

magic meeting

In scouts I did a magic trick and my mom made a video of it. Here it is and that's pretty much all I have to say.


Mom/Linda said...

I think your trick says it all! All I can say is WOW!!!!! Plus, you look very handsome in your scout unigorm.

Eliza said...

Grandma, I was just wondering..what's a unigorm? ha ha just kidding

Laura Swenson said...

Great trick!

Mom/Linda said...

Awwww...You spotted my spelling mistake. Actually, I was just testing you:)

clare said...

Dang Jake...that was pretty cool! You'll have to teach me sometime.

emily w. said...

Cool trick Jake. You'll have to do that one for us in person when we see you this summer.

Papa Randy said...

I loved the magic trick Jake. You are teh bomb. Can't wait to see you in June. Love you lots.