Saturday, November 17, 2007

what a car!!!!

We were driving down 6th street when I saw this cool car. We went home and got our camera and then we asked the owner if we could take a picture. He was really cool and nice and let me sit in the car. He showed me how to put it in neutral and then I got to start it myself! When I started it the engine sounded like this... VAROOOOOMMMMM!!!! It was really cool!!


Mom/Linda said...

Too cool, Jake! You looked great sitting behind the wheel! Maybe you should add it to your christmas list.

Eric White said...

Cool car. Looks like he put a lot of work into rebuilding it. Is that something you might do someday? That was nice of the owner to let you try it out.

Eliza said...


It was nice of the guy to let me see it. I have always liked fire cars and one day I want one of my own. Maybe when I am like 16.

Papa Randy said...

WOW that really is a cool car. But that is an even cooler kid. Man o Man do I love that boy. You go boy. Use the force dude.