Saturday, November 10, 2007

Picture time...

Brooke colored on Morgan's face with a black marker so mom and I gave Morger a bath. After her bath it was nap time but I wanted to take pictures of her in her cribe. I took all of these pictures myself here are some of them:


Mom/Linda said...

Jake--you are a really good photographer! Of course, Morgan is a really good model! (Even with black marker on her face.)

Eliza said...

Jake I love your blog buddy. You are a great photographer too. I am so proud of you!!


Mom/Linda said...

Love the Christmas suggestions, buddy! I am making a note of all of them. It would be very helpful if you would interview your sisters and post lists for them, too.

Mom/Linda said...

Love the Christmas suggestions, buddy! I am making a note of all of them. It would be very helpful if you would interview your sisters and post lists for them, too.